
hello again~~ X)

updates bout my life >>

i've been playing the wii more than im 'computer-ing', lol, so i have like, ALOT of songs un-downloaded... lol i thk i have more than 20 songs dat i still havent download... lol and thats like, ALOT!!!~~ XDXD

and, even when im using the comp, i rarely download them cuz, well, i takes a LOOONG time downloading 20 songs... lol everyone agree?? X)

so, im now downloading them while im blogging... lol its called multitasking... XDXD

anyway, back to my life >>

i recently read this reallyreallyreallyuberfantabulous book(XD)... its called "Blowout: Who Wants You Dead?", and its by Susan Vaught... here's a picture of it... :)

it looks scratched, rite?? X)

but its not scratched actually... its the design... lol... its not exactly new, cuz its like 1 or 2 years old... but its really really NICE!!!~~ and its funny too!! X)... lol here's the summary(not from the book's but the best i could find) >>

Jersey Hatch is leaving the brain injury centre, it's just before his seventeenth birthday. He's not entirely sure what happened to him a little less than a year ago. Maybe he was in a terrible car accident, although people keep telling him he was shot in the head. In fact, that he shot himself in the head. Jersey Hatch, why would you do that to yourself? He asks. He has no idea. Piece by piece, he finds out what really happened to him, all those months ago. Susan Vaught has written an amazingly powerful, immediate, and darkly funny novel about themes which are at the same time deeply personal, and universal.

available at every major bookstores... XDXD no guarantees okay?? lol


oh, and um... i dono wat i want... lol wat would u choose?? >>

i) a camera??


ii) a camera-phone??

lol... im in a dilemma... lol pls vote... X) aligato gozaimasu[a-li-ga-to go-zai-mas] (means 'thank you' in japanese)... lol

* end *


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